Sunday, June 29, 2008

Family Photos

We thought it would be a good thing to try to get a family picture done while we were all together this summer. Nikki T. was gracious enough (and patient enough!) to take some last minute photos the last night when we were all together. Nikki also took some great photos of the grandkids.

The whole crew... amazing we are actually all smiling and not goofing around!

Matt, Christina & Phoenix

Brent, Johanna, Paxton & Shaelyn

Nice typical picture :-)

And, of course there had to be some goofing around!

Great picture of Karra, Shaelyn and Matt.

Grandpa with Paxton & Shaelyn.

Grandma with Shaelyn!

Paxton being a great model!

Shaelyn also had lots of smiles!

Phoenix stayed awake long enough to get her picture taken and then needed to go back to her beauty rest!

Paxton and Shaelyn enjoying a laugh!

Shaelyn and Phoenix

The three cousins.


farmermarvswife said...

Hi - I've been trying to post a comment but my computer skills seem to be lacking so maybe I'll try this one more time before seeking outside help! I happened on to your blog so have it marked - so neat to 'see' all of you. I'm sure you are enjoying the grandchildren when ever you can! I also thought the picture of all the 'old' Pipgras' hillarious. It looked like something we would have found in Grandma/Aunt Betty's things! I was able to make a pretty good print of it! All now. Minnie Scholze

Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

THat "three cousins" picture is priceless - I love it! And fun blueberries ... and great to catch up - I haven't had time to stop by for awhile! Thanks for the update! =) JZ